Originally published on December 21, 2017

One of the pleasures that I have every month is to volunteer at four different sites around the Phoenix metro area, helping people who are seeking their next career adventure. I am fortunate that my company allows me the time to do this volunteering–it is a great way to start those days! So, want to know more about these F-R-E-E opportunities for career-seekers?
A wonderful non-profit organization based in Gilbert, AZ started from humble roots when its founder started helping people with resume development at a local church in 2009, after the housing bubble burst and many people were “right-sized,” laid off, or had their jobs shipped overseas. A couple years later, Jessica Pierce expanded her work and started this amazing non-profit organization with a mission to help people get the guidance and resources they need to land their next career…not just a job.
This organization is
They meet four weeks each month at different locations in the Phoenix Central Valley area:
First Thursday: GCU Convention Center
Second Thursday: Highlands Church (N. Scottsdale)
Third Thursday: Calvary Community Church (Glendale)
Fourth Tuesday: Central Christian Church (Gilbert)
I invite everyone in the Phoenix metro area who are interested in moving into a career, moving between careers, or moving up in their careers to come check out this fantastic program! Click HERE to see the current schedule (you can register for F-R-E-E right at the site).
The keynote presenter provides insights into the selected topic for the meeting, and there are:
Networking opportunities
3-6 hiring companies which present current job openings across a variety of professional and skill areas
Professional resume writers from the Resume Writers Council of Arizona
LinkedIn and Social Media coaches
Financial coaching
Career coaching
Professional photographer with a mobile digital studio for a professional head shot
and MORE…
The best part? All of this is F-R-E-E when you attend!
It only takes three things to jump-start your career quest:
You can do it, and we are here to help! SEE YOU THERE!
Dr. Forkner is the Chief Operating Officer and Director of Training at Dynamic Worldwide Training Consultants in Tempe, AZ. He has been volunteering with Career Connectors for four years, serving as a Social Media Coach, LinkedIn Coach, and periodically as a keynote speaker ~ in fact, he landed his first position with DWWTC just over three years ago through a contact that he made at Career Connectors!