Originally published on March 19, 2017
This is a sharing of a great post by David Best, a Veterans, Military Spouses, and Wounded Warriors Talent Acquisition Leader at Humana.
<QUOTE> In my role with Humana focusing on our Veteran’s Hiring Initiative, I review resumes on a daily basis. The resumes are from transitioning as well as already transitioned Veterans. Many of those resumes have specialized military roles or descriptions of military duties that aren’t translated well. This is unfortunate because the reality of the resume is that it is your calling card. It’s an initial opportunity to sell an employer on why you are the best, and why you should be hired without you actually talking to someone face to face. Making it as corporate as possible is in your best interest. <UNQUOTE>
To see his original post, go to http://bit.ly/2mJjmJL.
Thanks for your article, David!